Thursday, March 29, 2012

Summit Bankruptcy Objection To Fees - Objection to Fees of Tonkon Torp, Leon Simson, David Peterson, David Aman and Obsidian Finance Group, and Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group. Summit Bankruptcy Objection To Fees. Stephanie DeYoung Summit Bankruptcy Whistleblower and Others File Objection to the Fees of Tonkon Torp and Kevin D. Padrick.

Stephanie DeYoung, Bankruptcy Whistleblower, Summit Bankruptcy Insider. 

The Videos Below have Been Online Since July of 2009
 Part 1 - Summit 1031 BK Reporting by Stephanie Studebaker-DeYoung

 Part 2 - Summit 1031 BK Reporting by Stephanie Studebaker-DeYoung

$469,000 for 3 Months, WoW, Kevin Padrick sure was raking in the dough, and it is now several years later and last I noted at the end of January 2012, the Bankruptcy was Still open and Kevin Padrick was still raking in Money.

Perkins Coie 5 Months, $265,000

Tonkon Torp 3 Months $268,000.

Obsidian Finance Group $184,000. (They Were Supposed to HELP Summit and Instead Obsidian Finance Group Betrayed their own clients. They were suppose to create value. Obsidian Finance Group did not DO what they Said they would.  Instead Kevin Padrick was working to get the Creditors Job)

 Part 3 - Summit 1031 BK Reporting by Stephanie Studebaker-DeYoung


Summit Bankruptcy Objection To Fees
Summit Bankruptcy Objection To Fees of Tonkon Torp Law Firm and Obsdian Finance Group

Summit Bankruptcy Objection To Fees of Tonkon Torp Firm and Obsdian Finance Group. Summit Bankruptcy Objection To Fees David Peterson Tonkon Torp, David Aman Tonkon Torp, Leon Simson Tonkon Torp.  

I ask you to Investigate the Summit Bankruptcy Case Yourself and see if Blogger Crystal Cox was Really Defaming an Innocent Attorney, a Company that was Not Of Public Concern. Investigate this Story and see if you find that indeed they are Public Figures and that the story is not mine. And that there is reason to suspect Fraud on the Courts.

Many, including Judge Marco Hernandez, seem to really, actually believe that I Caused Damage to the Reputation of Obsidian Finance Group and that I wanted Paid for Damage to their Reputation that I caused. This is simply NOT True.

I offered PR Services, as I am Media, and I am very good at such. This, having no money, was the only thing I had to offer, to negotiate with AFTER I had Received a Cease and Desist, and After a Lawsuit for 10 Million Dollars had been filed against me.

I did not create the information, the information came to me and I gave links to the documents, videos, information, depositions, court filings, insider emails, court audios and more that were already online, as well as adding in my commentary and occasional rant on the topic.

Here, Once again are links to information Proving that it was a story that was "Out There" long before I came along with my amazing gift of search engine placement that makes it seem like I am the only one telling the story, when it was never my story.

All Bloggers that expose corruption, post on alternative news, bloggers that post other people's stories, YOU all are depending on the Obsidian Vs. Cox case for what you do. What happened to me could happen to you.

I was telling the story of others, it was not my story nor did it involve anyone I knew.

Investigate the Summit Bankruptcy story yourself. It has nothing to do with me making an offer to "Settle" after they sent me a cease and desist and AFTER the Plaintiff filed a 10 Million Dollar Lawsuit against me. This story has a life of it's own for anyone caring to look into the details instead of simply judging the messenger.

I did not cause the "Damage" to Kevin Padrick's Reputation. Kevin Padrick HIMSELF caused that by his own actions, EXPOSED by Insiders to a $40 Million Dollar Oregon Bankruptcy Proceeding.

I invite you to look at all the information that was nothing to do with Blogger Crystal Cox, and to post your own blog with your findings on the topic, independent of Crystal Cox Blogger sued for defamation.

The Link Below is Videos of Stephanie Studebaker DeYoung in July of 2009 just after I found out about her Bankruptcy Whistleblower Blog that posted documents, emails, contracts, videos and audios of the behind the scenes of the Summit Bankruptcy and the Legal Filing of an Objection to the Fees of Tonkon Torp and Obsidian Finance Group Kevin Padrick. Below is a link to 3 Videos that were on the Summit Bankruptcy Blog, where insider, Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung exposes the inside details of the Summit Bankruptcy, as she reaches out to get Creditors support in an Objection to the Fees filed by several insiders.

Below is a Link to A Video Playlist of 3 Videos of Stephanie DeYoung's Blog I took before the Blog dropped the day after the Obsidian V. Cox Trial. There are also archives at and other online locations at this time.

The Meeting that Kevin Padrick had with the Summit Principals when he still worked for them and Before he jumped the fence to work against them

Below is a Link to the Objection to the Fees Filed AGAINST Tonkon Torp, Obsidian Finance Group and Kevin Padrick. This was filed by several insiders, creditors and investors involved in the Summit Bankruptcy and Includes internal emails and more information.

The Court Filing, the Objection to the Fees of Tonkon Torp Law Firm and Obsidian Finance Group and Kevin Padrick. Filed by Insiders, Creditors, Investors. And including insider emails, and information suggesting Tax Issues, and not from blogger Crystal Cox who was simply reporting the story.

Stephanie DeYoung's Depostion in Video Taken by David Aman of Tonkon Torp

Below is a Link to a Court Audio that was online for well over a year before Obsidian Finance Group, Kevin Padrick and Tonkon Torp Sued blogger Crystal Cox. This was never my story, I was researching and reporting on the story. Now the audio is posted at the link below.

Below is a Link to the Deposition of Summit Principal Mark Neuman, this was online for over a year before Obsidian Finance Group, Tonkon Torp Law firm sued Blogger Crystal Cox for Defamation.
deposition neumn

Insider Emails 
( Read all of the Objection to the Fees above as there is emails in there as well)

Insider Email, Bankruptcy Case 08-37031 Document 511. Kevin Padrick, Obsidian Finance Trustee Emails Sussman Shank, Perkins Coie, Terry Vance and Others

Kevin Padrick Email to Steven Hedberg of Perkins Coie

In the Summer of 2011, Kevin Padrick seems to have done the same thing in another Bankruptcy Case, this time in Washington State and HomeStreet Bank Filed an Objection to his Fees and Claimed Conflict of Interest, and in this One Kevin Padrick Seems to have Lost. Link to that Legal Case Below

You Can Download a PDF at the Link Below

Or you can email me at for a very clear PDF of this court ruling proving that Kevin Padrick has had this happen before and was taken to court over it before.

Links to those Upset in Lake County Oregon over the Actions of Obsidian Finance Group

Be sure and also Research Longview Fibre and the way that Obsidian Finance Group was preying on that company and seemed to be lying about value and seemed to have been connected to Politician Gordon Smith in estimating timber values, the same Gordon Smith whom endorsed Judge Marco Hernandez as Did Politician Ron Wyden, whom also seems to be connected to Obsidian Finance Group, and they both seem connected to Bill Smith Properties whom recommended Obsidian Finance Group to the Summit Principals.

Longview Fibre Research

Oregon Solar Tax Credits Research
Obsidian Finance Group tried to get more then their share of Tax Credits, the State of Oregon Said NO and Obsidian Finance Group SUED the State of Oregon.

Tax Credit Rules

Order Approving Kevin Padrick's Fees, though Judge Dunn said in the Court Audio he had not yet approved, when their was objections raised at the Conflict that Kevin Padrick, allegedly took proprietary information from his then clients Summit, and used this information against his clients after charging his clients a $100,000 to gather the information, seemingly under the false pretense of helping summit to form a plan of reorganization as the contract stated.  This money was kept on the books of Obsidian Finance Group and none was refunded to Summit, this was affirmed by blogger Crystal Cox asking Patricia Whittington of Obsidian Finance Group, who is the VP and head accountant I believe. (If you want a copy of the Trial Transcript to prove what Obsidian Finance Group said under Oath, email me at

Here is that Order

If you would like more documents, emails, information that are not FROM me so you can truly investigate this story, please email me at, I am happy to give you whatever information you need to investigate the TRUTH about the Summit Bankruptcy, the Department of Justice Conflict of Interest, the Bankruptcy Judge pushing for Kevin Padrick as Trustee, the Creditors Committee Attorney having worked with Kevin Padrick, the DOJ Trustee and Tonkon Torp's Leon Simson in the same law firm previously and much more.

This story is something I investigated and wrote on for years. I did not make it up, and the post I lost $2.5 Million on was not false, in my opinion, and according to my research. 

Just because one Oregon CPA's Opinion convinced a jury and I was tricked into not testifying, this does not mean I am guilty of defamation. For the involvement of Tonkon Torp Law Firm, Obsidian Finance Group and Kevin Padrick in the Summit Bankruptcy was a scandal long before I showed up and gave powerful internet voice to their victims.

If you cannot read any document, please email me for a clear copy.

More Research Links on the Summit Bankruptcy Issues, Conflicts of Interest

Kevin Padrick claimed at one time that Terry Vance told him to meet with the Creditors, Yet that Was not True. So was Sussman Shank and Perkins Coie Conspiring with Obsidian Finance Group and Tonkon Torp ?

Possible Bankruptcy Code Violations

Posted Here by Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Richard Walje - the Black Cap Project with Obsidian Finance Group, Kevin Padrick, David Brown.

A. Richard Walje is president and CEO of Rocky Mountain Power at PacifiCorp.

Got a Tip Regarding Richard Walje, or secret information regarding Micheal Dunn and David Brown, Patricia Whittington, or Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group?

Email me

Rocky Mountain Power,Wyoming Business Council Board of Directors, Utah Foundation’s Board of Trustees, University of Utah’s Business School National Advisory Committee, Economic Development Corporation of Utah Board of Governors, Utah Sports Commission Board of Directors and Coalition for Utah’s Future Board of Governors. He is also chairman of the PacifiCorp Foundation Board of Directors.

Richard Walje - PacifiCorp

Richard Walje